Following post contains excerpts translated from the guide 'Iyarkai Vaalviyalin Mahimai' (Greatness of Life Natural) by 'Naturopathy Expert' Thiru.G.Balakrishnan.
What is 'Life Natural'?
Life Natural or Naturopathy is a noble stream of medicine. It is noble, because it is a science based on true wisdom. It is practiced in-line with human physiology and the constant nature of Life Force.
Concepts of Life Natural:
It is very essential for each and every human being to have a holistic physical & mental health. A poor person needs good health as he should earn money to take care of himself as well as his family. Similarly, a rich person also should have good health to enjoy his wealth. No one can buy good health in the market. Both physical & mental health should be obtained through the lifestyle which follows the laws of nature.